Dear Clients of Equine Sports Medicine of Maryland and Referring Veterinarians,
As our nation’s situation evolves and we remain under a shelter at home order and quarantine the Maryland Veterinary Board has approved elective procedures and wellness examinations for veterinary practices. Equine Sports Medicine of Maryland has been operational on an emergency, critical care and medical basis since beginning in March and we have been able to manage cases while maintaining social distancing, lots of disinfecting and personal protective equipment. Our top priority continues to be the care of our patients. We have implemented protcols over past weeks made by government and veterinary agencies to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 exposure among our staff and clients and we will continue to respect these recommendations as ask the same of those involved during farm calls:
- Please be courteous and alert us to any people possibly infected or with history of recent international travel at farms that we are to attend.
- CDC is recommending a minimum of 6 feet between persons for “social distancing”- we know this can be difficult when handling our patients particularly in emergency situations. To minimize risk of contact and exposure for all, we plan to have our technicians and doctor/s handle the patients directly for exams and procedure while communicating with owners and caretakers from a distance or via phone.
- We are taking all precautions with wearing protective gear between farms in addition to sanitizing ourselves, surfaces and equipment before and after use as the virus has been shown to survive on varying surfaces for up to 8 hours. We are asking our clients to take the same precautions sanitizing shared surfaces, halters etc at appointments.
- The office is open for picking up medications, vaccinations etc we just are restricting traffic into the building. There is a client pick up box in the wicker trunk directly outside the office where you can find hand sanitizer as well as your supplies.
- Working within barns can sometimes make for tight quarters so lets work together to find low traffic areas of the barn and times with fewest people present to help everyone follow the under 10 people restrictions but also so we don't get in the way of barn chores, owner visit schedules etc. as we all adjust to the continually evolving "normal".
Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or concerns.
Dr. Cooper Williams, Dr. Magda Stewart, and Staff
.MD Horse Council to Horse Community on COVID-19
Maryland Unites
Maryland Department of Health on Coronavirus